Diseases of the upper respiratory tract, lungs; hyperacid gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Addison’s disease, hypofunction of the adrenal cortex (as part of complex therapy).
Active ingredient: | |
Dosage form: |
Diseases of the upper respiratory tract, lungs; hyperacid gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Addison’s disease, hypofunction of the adrenal cortex (as part of complex therapy).
Licorice root syrup is taken orally, adult adults take 1 dessert spoon in 1/2 cup of water 3 times a day.
Children under 2 years — as many drops as the child is several times a day,2-12 years-1/2 teaspoon in 1/4 cup of water, older than 12 years-1 teaspoon 3 times a day, the course duration is 7-10 days.
With caution: liver diseases, alcoholism, traumatic brain injury, brain diseases, diabetes mellitus, childhood.
100 ml of syrup contains:
Active ingredients:
licorice root extract 4 g,
sugar syrup 86 g,
ethyl alcohol 96% and water up to 100 ml.
100 ml of syrup contains:
Active ingredients:
licorice root extract 4 g,
sugar syrup 86 g,
ethyl alcohol 96% and water up to 100 ml
Product of plant origin. Licorice root contains glycyrrhizin (from 6 to 12%), glycyrrhizic acid and its salts, flavone glycosides (liquiritin, liquiritigenin, liquiritoside), isoflavonoids (formononetin, glabren, glabridin, glabrol,3-hydroxyglabrol, glycyrrhizoflavone), cumestane derivatives (glycirole, isoglycirole, liquocoumarin), hydroxycoumarins (including gerniarin, umbelliferon, glycocoumarin, lycopyranocoumarin), steroids (sterols, including beta-sitosterol, sigmasterol), essential oils (in small amounts).
Glycyrrhizin stimulates the activity of the ciliated epithelium and enhances the secretory function of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, facilitates expectoration. It has an anti-ulcer and anti-inflammatory effect, reduces platelet aggregation.
Licorice inhibits the enzyme 11-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in the kidneys, which reduces the conversion of cortisol to cortisone. The mineralocorticoid activity of cortisol is caused by a decrease in the concentration of potassium in the blood serum and an increase in the sodium content, which leads to fluid retention in the body, an increase in body weight and arterial hypertension. Glycyrrhizic acid and its metabolites inhibit peripheral cortisol metabolism and produce a pseudoaldosterone-like effect.
Liquiritoside has an antispasmodic effect on smooth muscles.
Diseases of the upper respiratory tract, lungs; hyperacid gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Addison’s disease, hypofunction of the adrenal cortex (as part of complex therapy).
With caution: liver diseases, alcoholism, traumatic brain injury, brain diseases, diabetes mellitus, childhood.
Nausea, heartburn, allergic reactions.
Concomitant use of thiazide diuretics with licorice is not recommended due to the risk of hypokalemia.
Hypokalemia caused by prolonged use of licorice may potentiate the toxic effect of cardiac glycosides.
Concomitant use of licorice and corticosteroids may increase the half-life of cortisol.
Licorice root syrup is taken orally, adult adults take 1 dessert spoon in 1/2 cup of water 3 times a day.
Children under 2 years — as many drops as the child is several times a day,2-12 years-1/2 teaspoon in 1/4 cup of water, older than 12 years-1 teaspoon 3 times a day, the course duration is 7-10 days.
When prescribing to patients with bronchial asthma, constant monitoring is required (intolerance reactions are possible).
Store in a dry place protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 20 °C.
Licorice roots
oral solution
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