Derivatives of acetic acid

Diclofenac suppositories


Derivatives of acetic acid

Indometacin tablets, suppositories


Derivatives of acetic acid

Dolac (ketorolac) tablets, ampoules


Derivatives of acetic acid

Ketorol (ketorolac) tablets, ampoules


Derivatives of acetic acid

Airtal (Aceclofenac) tablets


Derivatives of acetic acid

Airtal (Aceclofenac) 1.5% 60g cream


Derivatives of acetic acid

Diclac (Diclofenac) 75mg 10 tablets


Derivatives of acetic acid

Diclac gel (Diclofenac)


Derivatives of acetic acid

Diclofenacol (Diclofenac) 20g cream
